Hollywood Roommates Read online

Page 10

I frown and stare at my beer. “I don’t know.”

  “I agree with Shane,” Luke says. “There’s no other option. She’s tearing herself up over this. She’ll never be happy picking only one of us, and even if she does, it will ruin our friendship with each other.”

  “There is one other option,” Matt says slowly, glancing between us with a sly grin. “We do what she wants and agree to share her.”

  I nearly spit out my beer. “Seriously?”

  “Why not?” Matt asks, with a casual shrug. “We all want her. She wants all of us. We could give it a try.”

  “No way! That’s a crazy idea. There’s no way it can end well.”

  “Matt may have a point,” Luke says. “We’re all best friends. We share a house. Why not try sharing her too?”

  I can’t believe Luke is on board with this idea too. “It will never work. We’ll get jealous. Or possessive. Like you said, it’ll destroy our friendship.”

  “Did you get jealous knowing she was kissing us?” Matt asks.

  I open my mouth to answer, but then consider it. “No, actually. I suppose because we were open about it. It didn’t feel like cheating.”

  Matt nods. “I wasn’t jealous either, even when I walked in on her kissing my brother. I actually thought it was pretty hot.”

  “I think the answer’s pretty clear,” Luke says. “We either have to all agree to give her up…or all agree to share her.”

  We’re quiet as we consider the situation and take sips of our beer. I don’t want to give Allie up and neither do the other guys. But we’ve never shared a woman before. Can we really do it and avoid jealousy or other negative feelings? I’m not sure.

  The strangest thing is…thinking of her with the other guys is actually kind of hot. Or even better, all three of us together. My dick twitches just imagining it. One of us in front, the other behind…

  I finish off my beer and turn to the other guys. “Fine. Let’s try it. But when this all goes to hell, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  When I wake up, my head pounds like someone is jackhammering into it. Everything is too bright and too noisy and just ow. Damn you, tequila. And vodka. And whatever else I drank.

  I’m still in my dress from last night, my hair is in tangles, and I seriously need a shower to rinse off the eau de alcohol clinging to me, but first I need to get rid of this massive headache. There’s a glass of water by my side of the bed and I down the entire thing. Shane or one of the other guys must have left it there. I vaguely remember Shane picking me and Brooke up and the other two guys tucking me in and...oh.

  Oh crap.

  What did I say last night?

  I rub my palms against my eyes, but it only makes the pain worse and does nothing to erase the memories of my stupid drunken ramblings last night. I can’t believe I told them I wanted my own personal harem. I cringe again just thinking about it. No doubt they went and had a nice laugh at my expense afterward. Oh that Allie and the crazy things that come out of her mouth.

  How am I supposed to face them ever again?

  I get up to use the restroom, brush my teeth, and down a couple Advil, then take a quick shower before heading back to my room. Maybe if I hide in here until tomorrow they’ll let me pretend last night didn’t happen. Fat chance, but it’s the only solution my hungover brain can come up with right now.

  There’s a light knock on my door and I groan. So much for hiding.

  “Come in,” I mutter.

  All three of the guys stand outside my room. Seriously. All of them. I cannot catch a damn break. Don’t they have something to do? Somewhere to be?

  Guess not.

  “Hey, Allie. How are you feeling?” Luke asks.

  “Like shit.”

  “Of course you do,” Matt says, as he walks over to me. He hands me a revolting-looking brown smoothie. “Drink this. I promise it’ll make you feel a whole lot better.”

  I take a whiff and groan. “No way.”

  “It’s disgusting but it works,” Shane says. “We all can attest to Matt’s hangover cure.”

  My head throbs and I sigh. “Fine.”

  Shane hands me an ice pack. “Put this on your forehead. It’ll help the pain.”

  “And while you drink that, I’ll give you a massage that should also help,” Luke says.

  “Thank you.” They’re being unusually nice and pampering. Maybe I freaked them out last night and they’re worried I’ve gone off the deep end.

  Luke moves behind me on the bed and begins rubbing my shoulders and back, while I press the ice pack to my forehead and drink this disgusting smoothie. The other two guys sit beside me on the bed in silence as Luke’s fingers knead my muscles and convince my body to relax.

  After a few minutes, my hangover loses its grip on me. I’m not sure if it’s from Matt’s magical drink, Shane’s ice pack, Luke’s talented fingers, or all of the above, but I’ll take it.

  “Thank you,” I say. “I feel a lot better now.”

  “Anything else can we do for you?” Luke asks.

  “Forget last night ever happened?”

  “That’s actually what we came to talk to you about,” Shane says.

  Oh crap. “I hope you didn’t take anything I said seriously. I was really wasted and not thinking straight. It’s best if you pretend it never happened.”

  “We can’t do that,” Matt says.

  I draw in a deep breath. “Okay. I understand. Do you want me to move out?”

  “No, of course not,” Shane says, giving me a scowl. “Quite the opposite, in fact.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We want to try being in a relationship with you,” Luke says.

  “All of us,” Matt adds.

  My jaw practically hits the floor. “What now?”

  Shane takes the melted ice pack from me. “None of us want to give you up, and we don’t want to force you to choose. So now you don’t have to.”

  I gape at the three of them. “And you’re all on board with this?”

  “I’m a bit skeptical it will work, but we’re willing to try,” Shane says. “For you.”

  “Wow.” I sit back and glance between them, stunned into speechlessness. I never expected any of them to actually agree to this. It was a wild fantasy and nothing more. But somehow they’re willing to try...for me. “What happens if it doesn’t work?”

  “I suspect it will destroy all of our friendships with each other,” Shane says with a deep frown. “Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “How about a test?” Matt asks. “We all kiss Allie now in front of each other. If we’re too jealous or possessive, we end the experiment now. If not, we agree to continue with the plan.”

  “What do you think about that, Allie?” Luke asks.

  Desire makes my pulse race. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  “Then let’s try it,” Shane says.

  Luke is closest to me and already has his hands on my body, so he pulls my hair to the side and begins kissing my neck. I face the other two guys, who watch the entire time as Luke trails kisses across my skin. Nervousness swirls through my stomach, but also desire and excitement too. A part of me is so scared of what will happen next, but another part of me likes the idea of them watching.

  Luke turns my head toward him and captures my mouth with his. His lips are warm and firm as they take charge of the kiss, slowly deepening it and sliding his tongue inside. I rest a hand on his hard chest, feeling the strength underneath. I could kiss him all day long and this could easily turn into more, except I can’t forget that the other two guys are there looking on.

  I pull away from Luke and move from one brother to another. Matt draws me into his arms and our mouths find each other eagerly. There’s something dirtier about his kiss, like a secret naughty promise as he swipes his tongue across my lips. His kiss is a tease, a hint of what else I could have from him later.

  When he releases
me, I turn to Shane. His eyes are dark and stormy with some strong emotion. Anger? Lust? Jealousy? I can’t tell. He grabs my waist and yanks me toward him, kissing me hard and possessively, nibbling on my lower lip. He’s rough and demanding but it only turns me on even more, especially when I remember the other guys are there too.

  He lets me go and I touch my lips in wonder. I taste all three of them on my tongue still. I glance between the guys, eager to kiss them again. “How was that?”

  “Really fucking hot,” Matt says, with a naughty grin.

  Relief and arousal flood me, because I feel the same way. But do the other guys?

  “I actually liked it a lot,” Luke says. “I wasn’t jealous or anything. I just wanted to get in there too and join the fun.”

  Images of both him and his brother kissing me and putting their hands all over me flood my brain, making me press my thighs together. “Shane?” I ask.

  “I didn’t hate it,” he reluctantly admits.

  Matt nudges him. “He thought it was hot too.”

  Shane sniffs. “Maybe a little.”

  “The real test will be when we do more than kissing,” Luke says.

  “I, for one, am ready to get started on that,” Matt says, winking at me.

  My lady parts say hell yes, but my pounding head says hell no. “Maybe when I’m not hungover. And what about, uh, diseases and stuff? We’ll need a lot of condoms. Of course, I got tested after Parker and I’m on birth control, so maybe we don’t need condoms after all…” Crap, I’m babbling again. I need to watch that.

  Each guy stares at me with lust-filled eyes. Shane clears his throat. “I’ve been tested too.”

  “Same,” Luke says.

  “Oh yeah,” Matt adds, licking his lips.

  I relax against my pillow. “Great. One less thing to worry about.”

  Shane abruptly rises to his feet. “Let’s give Allie a chance to rest and recover.”

  “And get out of here before we all jump her bones,” Luke mutters.

  “Just let us know if you need anything, okay?” Matt says, as he stands up.

  “I will. Thanks.” I give them all a warm smile. “For everything. The hangover help. Putting up with me last night. And now agreeing to try this, uh, whatever this is between us. I’m very lucky to have the three of you.”

  “We feel the same,” Luke says.

  Each one takes a turn placing a soft kiss on my lips before they exit the room, leaving me to wonder…did that really just happen?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It’s been three days since my hangover-of-doom and the talk with the guys. They’ve all been busy with work, so I haven’t seen them a ton since then, which is good because I’m still wrapping my head around this new joint relationship we’re all in. How is this my life? I’m not complaining, but damn.

  Every time I do see the guys, they’re getting more comfortable kissing me. I know it won’t be long before it turns into more, and desire flutters in my stomach at the thought. I think I’m finally ready.

  I find Matt outside, lying in the sun on a lounge chair, wearing nothing but his swim trunks. His tanned, muscular chest and toned arms gleam under the sunlight and it’s hard to look at anything else.

  I toss a script in his lap. “Here you go.”

  His eyebrows dart up behind his sunglasses. “What’s this?”

  “I found the perfect script for you.”

  “Oh really.” He picks it up and reads the title, then makes a face. “Royal Screw-up?”

  “It’s a romantic comedy about a prince who falls for a normal girl. It’s funny and sexy and romantic and so perfect for you.”

  “A rom-com? Seriously?” He frowns and tosses the script aside. “That’s what you picked?”

  I pick the script off the ground and dust it off. “Trust me on this. All this time you’ve been going after parts like the ones your brother plays. Tough action heroes. Rugged cops. Superheroes who grunt a lot. But that’s not you.”

  “It’s not?” His face falls.

  I rest my hand on his shoulder. “No, it’s not. Those are Luke’s roles, not yours. He’s the strong protector type. But you? You’re the sexy, funny guy that every girl wants.”

  “Of course I am,” he says with a cocky smile. “But still, a rom-com? I don’t know...”

  “Matt, you need to stop trying to be your brother and play up to your own strengths. You’re charming. Gorgeous. Clever. You’re the perfect combo of naughty and nice. You’re basically every girl’s dream. That’s why a movie like this is perfect for you.”

  “Hmm. All right. I’ll read through it and check it out.” He grabs my waist and pulls me down onto his lap on the lounge chair. “But right now I want to explore those things you just said. Am I this girl’s dream too?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck with a smile. “You know you are.”

  He presses his lips to the spot below my ear that drives me wild. “Maybe I can show you how very naughty and nice I can be.”

  I tilt my head to give him better access. “That’s a good idea. But only if you agree to audition for this part.”

  He groans, but keeps kissing my neck. “All right. I’ll do it, just for you. Happy now?”

  “Yes.” I run my hands down his firm chest, exploring the tanned muscles. He’s so gorgeous it’s almost painful to look at him, but I gladly suffer through it. I could stare at him forever. But it’s not only the way he looks—it’s everything about Matt. His heart, his humor, his flirty side. Even the amazing cocktails he makes me. Everything about him turns me on and makes me want him even more.

  Our lips find each other and our kiss is hot and heavy. As his tongue slides against mine, he strokes my bare thighs and inches my dress higher, sending sparks of heat throughout my entire body. Excitement and desire sets me aflame and I spread my legs, inviting him to take this even further, and he gladly accepts. He finds my panties already soaked with desire and he flashes me a naughty grin.

  “I think these need to go,” he says, tugging at the fabric between my legs.

  “Take them off then.”

  He drags my panties down my legs and tosses them to the ground, then slides his hands under my dress again, finding my bare, hot skin. The second he touches me, I sigh. It’s been forever since anyone touched me there. Parker definitely neglected me for way too long. But dammit, I deserve better. I deserve a guy who treats me well and makes me feel this good all the time. Or maybe three of them.

  “So wet,” he says, as he rubs against my folds slowly. “You’ve been wanting this for a while, haven’t you?”

  “From the moment you opened the door that first day,” I admit. But then I moan as he continues to explore me with way too much patience. I’m so hot and ready for him I can’t even think straight. “Matt, please.”

  He pulls my mouth back to his as his finger enters me. I kiss him hard as he plunges inside, giving me a taste of what I need from him. With his thumb he touches my clit, making me whimper into his mouth. My hips thrust toward him, wanting more and more. His talented fingers and lips fuel my passion, until all I can think about is getting us out of these clothes.

  I grab the edge of his swim trunks and begin tugging at them. He chuckles at my eagerness, then helps me get them off him. I didn’t think it was possible to be any more turned on than this, but the sight of him completely naked proves me wrong. He’s glorious and thick and I want him inside me so badly I practically ache with longing. Every inch of Matt is mouth-watering and wow, there are a whole lot of inches on display right now.

  He undoes the buttons on my dress and then lifts it off me, before tossing it aside. His eyes are hungry as he gazes down at my lace bra. As his mouth descends on my chest, kissing his way down my cleavage, his hands reach back to unclasp my bra. It falls off easily, revealing my large, full breasts and hard nipples. He cups them in each hand, then raises them to his lips to give each nipple a lick. My back arches, my head falling back as
pleasure shoots through me.

  I reach for his cock at the same time, circling my fingers around it to feel its thickness. It fills up my hand nicely and he’s so much bigger than Parker was. Or any of my former boyfriends. Matt’s reputation with the ladies definitely seems to be well-deserved so far.

  “You ready for me?” he asks, as we stroke each other.

  “Very ready.”

  “Thank god.” He grabs my waist and pulls me closer so I straddle him. My knees are on either side of his hips on the lounge chair, our bodies lined up. We’re both naked now, skin to skin, brimming with need for each other.

  As his length presses against me, he looks me in the eye. “Am I the first one?”

  I know what he means. The first one of the three roommates. “Yes, you are.”

  A wicked grin crosses his lips. “Good.”

  With that, he slowly slides inside me, directing me onto him with his hands on my hips. I gasp and press down to take more of him, practically begging for him to go faster, but he doesn’t listen. He takes his time pushing inside me so I feel every single inch. He’s so big it seems like it takes forever for him to fill me up, but I savor every second of it.

  When he’s all the way inside, he adjusts the lounge chair so it lays flat. Then he lies back and gazes up at me with a grin as I rise above him. “This view is incredible.”

  I slowly stroke my breasts. “I’m glad you like it.”

  He stares at my fingers as they circle my nipples. “Like it? I love it. I never want to look at anything else ever again.”

  “No?” I roll my hips once, taking him deeper. “I thought you were something of a player.”

  “Not anymore. Now I’m a one woman man.” He grabs my waist with possessive fingers. “The only one I want is you, Allie.”

  A fluttery feeling fills my chest and I lean down to kiss him. Then I begin moving, slowly riding up and down on him, letting my breasts bounce above him. He watches eagerly, his eyes filled with lust, his fingers digging into my hips as he urges me on. Soon he begins to thrust up into me and together we find a steady rhythm that has us both gasping and moaning. I’ve wanted Matt from the first time we met and it’s such a relief to finally have him—especially without any guilt about the other guys.