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Hollywood Roommates Page 3
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You were right, I text Brooke. Your brother is a jerk.
Told you, Brook replied. Ready to move in with me yet?
Nope. This place is worth the hassle.
Good luck with that.
I gaze across my new bedroom. Even though there’s barely anything in here, I’ll make it work. It’s a blank canvas, ready for me to splash myself all over it. It’s a good size and has a walk-in closet and large windows overlooking the ocean. There’s even a door that leads outside to the pool. The bathroom isn’t attached but is right next door, which is fine. It’s as empty, white, and unused as the bedroom is.
I take the stairs back to the top floor, which is an open concept design with the living room, dining room, and kitchen all flowing together in one big space. Everything in the house is sparsely decorated, but of the finest quality. There’s no color other than black, white, and gray, along with a lot of metal and glass. Even the floors are white and pristine. Shane and his sister share the same style preferences, it seems.
I find Matt in the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. For a moment all I can do is stare at him and marvel at how I’m going to be living with three incredibly sexy guys for the next few months. If I needed a way to get over Parker fast, this is definitely a good start.
“Did Shane give you the run-down of the place?” Matt asks.
“Not exactly.”
He rolls his eyes. “Of course not. The main thing to know is that Shane likes things done his way and he can’t stand mess or disorder.”
I hold up my hands. “Not a problem. He won’t even know I’m here.”
“And whatever you do, don’t touch the thermostat.”
My eyebrows dart up. “That sounds like a challenge.”
He grins. “Trust me, you won’t like the consequences.”
“All right. I won’t mess with it.” I gesture to the front door. “I’m going to grab my stuff from the car.”
“Need some help?”
“That’d be great, thanks.”
We head outside, where my car waits under a palm tree, the scratched blue paint glinting under the sun. Like me, it’s out of place here. I pop the hatchback trunk and grab as many bags as possible from inside, loading them up on my arms.
Matt picks up the two boxes in the back, his well-developed arms flexing as he lifts them easily. The boxes were heavy when I put them in, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for him. “That’s it?”
I shrug, but glance away quickly. “I don’t need much.”
We carry everything down the stairs to my new bedroom. Once my things are all on the bed, it does seem pretty pitiful. I have more stuff at my old apartment, but the idea of facing Parker makes me think it’s time to downsize anyway.
Matt lingers in the doorway, leaning against the frame in a way that draws my eyes to the t-shirt stretching against his muscles. The craziest thing is he seems to be checking me out too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty damn cute, especially if you’re into a woman with some extra curves. But I figured most actors would go for the tall, thin model types, not girls like me. Not that I have a problem with tall, thin model types, mind you. All bodies are perfect, no matter their shape. I’m just a little self-conscious of mine sometimes, especially in a city like Los Angeles where looks matter so much.
“How about I give you a tour?” Matt asks.
“I’d love that.”
He steps back into the hall and gestures at the door across from mine. “That’s Shane’s bedroom. I suggest you not go in there if you value your life.”
“Not a problem.”
He takes me to an open doorway down the hall. “This is where we hang out most of the time.”
We step inside a family room that’s a lot more relaxed than the living room upstairs, with large, gray couches, a table and chairs, and a huge TV. Tall windows let in a ton of light and sliding doors lead outside to a massive pool with an attached spa.
Matt leads me onto the patio and I breathe in the fresh sea air. The sun’s still high in the sky, signaling a warm summer night to come, and all I want to do is strip off my clothes and jump in this pool. Preferably with Matt. It’s one of those pools that seems to have no edge, making it appear as if it descends directly into the ocean. Beyond it, steps lead down to the beach, which is private and empty, a rarity in Southern California.
“Feel free to use the pool or the spa anytime you want,” Matt says. “You can get to the beach from here too, but make sure you bring a key because the gate will lock behind you.”
“This is incredible. Like something out of a movie. You know?” I laugh, because it’s a ridiculous comment to make to an actor. “Of course you know.”
“It is incredible,” Matt says, with his sexy grin. “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”
As we head back inside to continue the tour, I ask something that’s been nagging at me. “I hope this isn’t too personal of a question, but why are three famous actors all living here? Couldn’t you each get your own fancy beach houses like this one?”
His smile fades and he clears his throat. “I’m sort of in between gigs right now, so Shane lets me live here while I look for my next part. In the meantime, I work as a bartender nearby.”
“And your brother?”
“He can easily afford a place like this, or even bigger, but he’s laying low for a while. Did you hear about his divorce?”
“Of course.” I know every gory detail about Luke’s messy divorce from actress Lana Grayson earlier this year. Everyone does. It was all over every magazine and entertainment news show, with everyone on social media mourning the end of #luna. Luke and Lana met on the set of a movie three years ago and were both gorgeous, rich, and popular. Even their names sounded good together. They were the perfect couple, until Lana left Luke for the co-star of her last movie.
“Lana took the house,” Matt says. “Or really, he let her have it. He had nowhere to go and was kind of a mess at the time. Drinking. Drugs. Women. Shane told him to stay here as long as he needed to get his shit together again. That was four months ago.”
“Sounds like Shane takes in all sorts of charity cases.”
“I know he comes across as an asshole at first, but the truth is, he’s a good guy. He wouldn’t open his house up to three lost people otherwise.”
“You sure? Maybe Shane needs rent money for his secret gambling problem.”
Matt laughs. “No gambling problem. He definitely doesn’t need the money, not with his show. In fact, he barely lets me pay him anything for rent. If it were up to him I’d live here for free, but I insist.”
We make it to the middle floor to continue the tour of my temporary home. Matt shows me the gym, with enough equipment in it to give 24 Hour Fitness a run for its money. The home theater is next to it, with plush leather seats and a huge screen. We pass by another guest room that’s bigger than mine, but doesn’t have a view of the ocean or a walk-in closet. Shane could have easily stuck me in this room, but he didn’t. He gave me the nicer room. The one near him.
Back on the first floor, Matt shows me a grocery list that they fill out each week, which Shane and Luke’s assistants then take care of. He explains that the cleaning crew comes every Friday morning and that they also do laundry. A personal chef comes three times a week and on the other days healthy pre-prepared meals are delivered ready to heat up. “If you need anything dry cleaned, Shane’s assistant will take care of that too,” he adds.
I chew on my lower lip as I stare at the grocery list. “Wow. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with all that. I’m used to taking care of myself.”
Matt shrugs. “Suit yourself. But you might as well go with it. Shane’s paying for it, after all.”
I’m still unsure about the idea of letting someone else do all the cleaning, cooking, and shopping. What am I supposed to do with myself? I like cooking, after all. Maybe they’ll let me take over some of the household duties in return for lett
ing me stay with them. It will make me feel better for not being able to pay rent as well.
Matt continues his tour. “Down this hallway is Luke’s room and Shane’s office. I’d avoid both of those if I were you.”
I laugh. “Will do.”
“If you need anything, let me know.” He grins at me and his eyes travel up and down my body suggestively. “Anything at all.”
He’s such a flirt. I can’t deny that I like it though, maybe even a little too much. After what Parker did, it’s nice to have a guy interested in me.
“Thanks you for your help. I’m going to go unpack.” I lean forward and press a quick kiss to his cheek, before heading to the stairs.
Chapter Six
Once I’m in my room, I stare at all my stuff. I don’t have much. I gave up a lot of my furniture when I moved in with Parker, and my apartment before that was tiny anyway. Still, I was in such a rush to pack my belongings after our disastrous lunch that I left a lot of my things behind. Now I regret it.
A sharp knock sounds on my door. “Come in,” I call out.
Shane steps inside, looking every bit as gorgeous as he did when I first saw him, even though his blue eyes are still like ice. “You seem to be settling in.”
“Yep. Pretty much done unpacking.”
He hands me a couple sheets of paper, stapled together. “Sign this.”
I take them and skim the first page. A bunch of legal mumbo jumbo makes me nearly cross-eyed. “What is this?”
“Roommate contract.” He hands me a black pen.
“I see.” Except, as I read, it quickly becomes clear this isn’t a normal rental agreement. The first page is a pretty standard non-disclosure agreement, which I suppose is to be expected when living with three famous people. I turn the page and my eyes widen. I begin to read out loud. “‘I, Allison Chambers, agree not to engage in any sexual activities with anyone living in this house’—what the hell?”
“It’s for your own good.”
I glare at him. “What I do with my body is no concern of yours.”
“What goes on in my house is a concern of mine, especially if it causes problems between the people living here.” He offers the pen more insistently. “We’re all going to sign a copy.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then you can find somewhere else to live.”
I continue reading, scowling the entire time. “‘Sexual activities with anyone living in this house, including but not limited to kissing, intercourse, oral sex, handjobs, anal sex—’” My eyes widen. “Wow, who wrote this?”
“I did. Sign it or pack your bags.”
I snatch the pen from his fingers. “Fine. But just so you know, I would never sleep with any of you anyway. The very idea is so arrogant, so ridiculous, so—”
“I’m not worried about you. I’m worried about them.”
I huff. “I doubt they’re even interested.”
“They are. Any man would be.” His eyes slowly rake up and down my body in a way that brings heat to my cheeks.
“Even you?”
His face goes blank again, his mouth twisting. “No. Not me.”
Of course not. I scrawl my name across the bottom of his contract, then shove the papers at his chest. His very firm chest. “Anything else? Want me to get a permission slip every time I use the restroom? Or fill out a form when I want to bring a guy home with me?”
His eyes narrow. “You can bring home as many guys as you want. No form required.”
I prop my hands on my hips. “Good! Because I’m going to bring a lot of men home with me! Dozens of them, in fact!”
“Fine!” He snatches the pen from my hand and storms out of the room before slamming the door to his bedroom, leaving me scowling at nothing.
I slam my own door, just because, then shove my things off the bed so I can collapse on top of it.
Now that I’m alone, the day catches up to me. I started this morning full of hope and happiness, with a sense that everything was going to be magical today. Then I had lunch with Parker and saw the plane and…well, we all know how that went.
After meeting with Brooke, I ran back to my apartment and shoved everything I could in my car through my tears, then raced over here. Now I’ve somehow found myself living with three of the sexiest men alive in a huge freaking beach house. How is this my life?
My phone buzzes and Brooke’s name flashes on the screen. “What’s up?” I ask.
“Just calling to see how you’re doing,” she says. “You’re not a big crying mess, are you?”
I can’t help but laugh. “Not at the moment, but the night’s still young.”
“Good. Are the guys treating you okay?”
“Yeah, they’re fine.” I sit up and stare out the window at my new ocean view. “Why didn’t you tell me who they were though? Or about how amazing this place is? You could have prepared me better!”
“I didn’t think it was that big a deal,” she says.
“Not that big a deal? I’m living in a beach house with the hottest men in Hollywood!”
“Hmm, I suppose for a bunch of dudes they’re attractive. I didn’t think of that. Sorry.”
I sigh. Brooke is a lesbian, so I can forgive her for her lack of foresight in this matter. Plus, her family is wealthy, so maybe this amazing house is normal to her too. Either way, she saved my butt when she convinced her brother to let me stay here, so I can’t be upset with her.
“Just don’t go falling for any of them,” she says. “This is only temporary, remember.”
“Of course. I have a firm ‘look but don’t touch’ policy in place. Not to mention, your brother made us all sign this contract saying no sexy times are allowed between any of us.” I grin to myself. “Besides, how would I choose between them?”
I flop back on the bed. “I know, I know. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”
“Okay, good.” She pauses and I hear shuffling in the background. “Hey, I have to go. I have a date tonight with a girl in Accounting.”
“Ooh, have fun. Let me know how it goes.”
“I will.”
We hang up and I stare at the white ceiling overhead, trying to relax. Except as I lie there the breakup with Parker plays through my head again. I wasted one year on him and he betrayed me and tossed me aside like I was nothing. The worst part is I still care for him. I wanted to marry the guy, after all. It’ll take some time for me to get over him. I just pray it won’t be too long. I don’t want the asshole taking up any more of my life. I want to move on.
At least I have three sexy-as-sin guys to distract me from Parker—even if I’m not allowed to do anything with them. Whatever, I can still look. And fantasize about them from the privacy of my own room.
The best part is: in those fantasies, I don’t have to choose only one.
Chapter Seven
I spend my first night in the beach house moping over my ex, but in the morning I decide to put Parker out of my thoughts for the rest of the day. Hell, the rest of my life. And as my way of thanking the guys for letting me live here with them, I head upstairs to make them some breakfast.
I step into the kitchen and marvel at how big and beautiful it is, like something out of a home design catalog. Everything is new and shiny and pristine. I begin opening cabinets, checking out what kind of cooking setup they have here. They have gorgeous cookware and quite a few ingredients stashed in the pantry, but they’re missing a few things I’ll need. Luckily I come prepared.
After a quick trip back to my room, I’ve spread everything I need across the kitchen counter and get to work. I don’t know what the guys like, or if they’re gluten-free or allergic to nuts or what, so I decide to make two of my favorite treats.
I sing to myself while I work and soon the kitchen smells like warmth and happiness. It’s also completely covered in flour and chocolate chips and coconut, but hey, that’s how it goes. I’ll clean
up later. Promise.
Footsteps sound behind me and I turn to see Luke emerging from his room. He’s not wearing a shirt, just a pair of boxers hanging low on his well-defined hips, and my jaw falls open at the sight. It’s impossible not to stare at his naked chest. He’s the most ripped guy I’ve ever seen, like a Greek god come to life, with a fully developed six-pack and all sorts of definition on his chest that my eyes want to linger on. And the rest of me? It wants to trip and fall all over him in the hope he catches me, throws me over his shoulder, and carries me away like some kind of caveman.
Okay, Allie, those are seriously not feminist thoughts right there. But my body does not give a crap about any of that. It wants to be taken hard and fast on this kitchen counter, thank you very much.
I force myself to turn away from temptation. He’s off-limits, as are the other guys in this house. Just because Parker and I were in a bit of a dry spell—and now I know why, that prick—and even before then things weren’t that amazing between us in bed, doesn’t mean I can jump on the first hot guy I see and dry hump his leg like a dog.
Even if he’s really, really hot.
“Hey,” Luke says, while opening the fridge. “Smells good in here.”
“Thanks.” I sneak another peek at his broad, sexy back as he grabs something, then shuts the door.
He leans against the counter next to me while he drinks a greenish smoothie that looks disgusting. His hair is perfectly tousled, his eyes lazy in a sultry way, like he just got out of bed after having the best sex of his life. “What are you making?”
“Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and gluten-free coconut muffins.”
“Those sound lovely, but we’re all pretty strict about what we put in our bodies. I haven’t had sugar in a year.” He runs a hand over his hard stomach. “Takes a lot of work to stay in this kind of shape.”
“Oh. Of course.” I try not to sound disappointed. “What do you usually eat for breakfast?”
He raises his nasty-looking green smoothie. “Protein shake.”