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Hollywood Roommates Page 5

  “I appreciate that. Although I don’t think Shane particularly wants me in his house.”

  “He does. A little too much, maybe.” He leans forward, so his lips are almost brushing mine. “We all do.”

  With that, he slides off the barstool and walks outside to the patio, leaving me speechless.

  Chapter Ten


  As I settle in to the house and get used to living there, the guy’s aren’t around much over the next few days. They’re all busy with their own lives and I see their assistants and staff members more than I see them. Shane is filming his TV show, spending long hours on set and coming home exhausted and cranky. Matt spends his nights at the bar and his days either sleeping or auditioning. Luke has to fly to London for reshoots of his movie at a moment’s notice and we have no idea when he’ll get back.

  The peaceful solitude of the house is good for me though. It gives me time to get over Parker, which I’ve done by taping a giant picture of his face to my wall and throwing darts at it. After three days, I’ve gotten pretty good at hitting him right between the eyes. It’s oddly therapeutic, although I cringe to think what Shane will say when he sees the little holes in his wall.

  It helps that the house is truly an amazing place to live too. Every night as I fall asleep I can hear the waves gently lapping at the shore. In the morning, the crisp fog over the water is the perfect thing to wake up to. And in the evening, the sunsets are truly inspiring.

  Not to mention, all the amenities of this place blow me away. In the theater I can watch movies for hours and it’s like being at an actual cinema. The humongous kitchen is to die for, and the beach access and giant pool are unbelievable. My favorite thing is to sit outside under an umbrella, reading a romance novel and breathing in the ocean air. It’s going to be hard to give this place up once I start teaching again and find my own apartment.

  Since I’m on summer break I don’t have much work to do, besides a few hours of summer school, but my sister Kristen asks me to help out at her veterinary office since her normal receptionist is on vacation for two weeks. It’s decent money and the best part is I get to hang out with all the animals, although it breaks my heart when they come in sick or injured. I don’t know how Kristen does it. Of course, playing with puppies and kittens does make up for some of the sad stuff.

  However, working with my completely put-together older sister can sometimes be challenging, even though I love her a lot. She just makes me feel like a hot mess in comparison to her perfect self. And I don’t think she even does it intentionally. Most of the time, anyway.

  I’m glad for the work though because it allows me to start saving up some cash. I’ll need it to get my own place soon. I can’t keep relying on the hospitality of Shane and the other guys to let me live rent-free forever. Even if I have no desire to move out.

  When I get home from a particularly crazy day at the vet’s, I’m completely covered in cat hair. I head for the shower in the bathroom next to my room, but run straight into Shane’s completely naked chest as he walks out of it. He’s all wet and gorgeous and wearing only a towel and all I can do is stare at his muscles and broad shoulders and sculpted arms. He runs a hand across his chest idly and that only makes me stare even harder. I want to trail my fingers—or my tongue—all over him. Like those defined abs. Or those strong arms. Or the faint trail of hair leading down into the towel. Yum.

  “Hi,” I manage to say, and then suddenly I can’t stop. “I just got back from working at my sister’s office. She’s a vet. I think I mentioned that. Anyway, I really need a shower because I’m totally allergic to cats, even though I love them. I actually have a cat tattoo on my ankle, which I got when I was drunk even though Brooke told me not to do it. Sometimes I think about getting it lasered off, but I kind of like it too.” I cringe at my own words. I really should not be telling him this, but the sight of his almost-naked body has turned me into some kind of babbling moron. Worse, I can’t stop staring. Like maybe if I stare hard enough my eyes will gain X-ray vision and I’ll see through that towel.

  “None of that surprises me.” His eyes flicker down to my ankle and then slowly slide back up to my face. “The plumber is coming tomorrow. Until then, I’ll be sharing this bathroom with you.”

  “Okay. Not a problem. It’s your house after all.” I giggle. Actually giggle. Like a silly girl who has lost her damn mind.

  He gives me a long, even look, then turns around and goes back into his room, closing the door behind him. As soon as he’s gone, my shoulders slump and I relax again. Then I remember I still need a shower and head into the bathroom, which is still steamy from when he used it. The room smells faintly of pine too, which makes me wonder if his skin smells as good, and then I wonder what it’d be like to press my face into that wet, naked chest, and then I think of him looking at me with those hard blue eyes and now I’m so turned on I can barely think straight.

  I turn on the shower and make it cold, because these thoughts? They need to stop.

  Except once I’m under the water I can’t stop thinking about our exchange. How can I be so comfortable around Luke and Matt, while Shane ties me up in knots? Maybe it’s because I get the feeling he doesn’t like me so I end up trying super hard with him, which only makes me even more awkward. Luke said that wasn’t the case at all though, and that Shane liked me too much. That makes no sense though. Shane was the one who insisted upon—and wrote!—the roommate contract. If he wanted me, he wouldn’t have done that or made us all sign it.

  Unless he just didn’t want the other guys to have me…

  Chapter Eleven


  On Saturday I spend the afternoon shopping with Brooke. Or rather, hanging out with her while she shops. I’m still broke as fuck, of course.

  While Brooke tries on another pair of black heels, she asks, “How’s it been living with three guys for the past week?”

  I admire a pair of flats I can’t afford. “Good, actually. The house is amazing. And the guys are all pretty cool, especially for actors. Except for…”

  “Except for my brother.”

  “Yeah.” I put down the shoes with a sigh. “He’s letting me live rent-free so I can’t complain.”

  “Sure you can. My brother is a grade A dick.”

  “I’m not sure I’d go that far.” And now I’m thinking about his dick. That towel did not hide the shape of his large package and my imagination is really good at running wild. And trust me, it wants to get wild…with him. “He’s just hard to get to know.”

  “I can tell you everything you need to know about him.” She slides off the shoes and tries on another pair that are almost identical. I wish she’d add some color, but she and I have very different feelings about that. “Ask me anything.”

  “That’s too weird, like you’re giving away his secrets.” Except I do want to know all his secrets. Every dirty one of them. Ugh, what is wrong with me?

  “Fine. But promise me you’re not getting all heart-eyes over him. Or the other guys, for that matter.”

  “Um…no?” I say, but it doesn’t sound convincing even to me.

  She stops and gives me a fierce stare. “You are, aren’t you? Which one?”

  “Uh. I kind of like…all of them.” I duck my head.

  Her eyes widen. “Oh, shit. You’re really in trouble.”

  “I know. Trust me, I know.”

  “Just be careful, Allie. I don’t want you getting your heart broken again. Getting involved with any one of them is a terrible idea. Having feelings for all of them is a total disaster.”

  Don’t I know it.

  When I get home, her warning is still in my head. I park my beat-up old Ford Focus in the giant four-car garage, and as I gaze at the other three shining, expensive cars next to it, it’s a good reminder that I don’t belong here. Not with Shane and his Tesla Model X. Not with Luke and his Audi R8 Spyder. And not with Matt and his BMW 230 convertible either.

  I head back to my room
, but when I sit on my bed and slip off my shoes I hear laugher from outside. Through the window I spot Luke walking by the pool and my heart skips, which Brooke would definitely not approve of. He must have returned from his quick trip to London.

  I make my way outside, irresistibly drawn toward the low male voices and the sound of splashing water. When I step onto the patio, I’m faced with something from one of my naughtiest fantasies. All three guys are in the pool, wearing nothing but swim trunks. My mouth falls open and my eyes widen, drinking in the sight of all that wet, muscular, tanned skin on display. I don’t even know where to look. All three of them are so delicious, there’s no way I can choose. It’s like a buffet of men and I want to sample each one. Repeatedly.

  No! This is not a buffet, this is a window display at Tiffany’s. Strictly look-don’t-touch, and if you need to ask the price, you can’t afford it anyway.

  “Hey guys,” I say, but my voice comes out a little husky. I clear my throat.

  “Allie!” Matt says, bursting up from the water in front of me. “You should join us!”

  I want to. I really want to. But getting in the pool with them sounds like a really dangerous idea. I can already picture their wet skin sliding against mine. So much temptation.

  Also, if I’m honest with myself, I’m hesitant to get in a swimsuit around these three. I’m not usually shy about my body and I love my curves. I fully believe all bodies are swimsuit bodies. But that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable showing mine off to three guys who are used to hanging out with the most beautiful women in the world, all of whom are a lot thinner than me.

  “Maybe some other time.” I sit on one of the lounge chairs and stretch my feet out. Even if I can’t join them in the pool, I can enjoy the sun shining down on me and the breeze against my skin. And best of all, the sight of the three guys in front of me. “I wish I could Instagram this. People would go crazy at the sight of all three of you in a pool together.”

  Shane’s face darkens. “No social media pics.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know, I know, the roommate contract. I’m just kidding. But seriously, think how many followers I would get!”

  “Sorry, this sight is for your eyes only,” Luke says, as he flexes his muscles with a grin.

  “Lucky me.” I swallow and tear my eyes away from his arms. “How was your trip?”

  “Busy, but quick.” He flicks back his wet hair in one sexy maneuver. “How was your day?”

  “Good. I went shopping with Brooke. Or I watched her shop, anyway.”

  “How is my sister doing?” Shane asks, his tone stiff.

  “She’s okay. She’s been super busy at work and she had a crappy date the other night, but nothing a little retail therapy can’t fix.”

  “You sure you won’t come in with us?” Matt asks, with a flirty smile. “We won’t bite. Unless you’re into that, of course.”

  I laugh, while Shane glares at him. “Very tempting, but I don’t think I could handle all three of you.”

  “Oh, I bet you could,” Luke says, with a voice that promises all sorts of sinful things.

  My mind heads straight to porn-land now as I imagine all three guys converging on me in the pool, their hands and mouths moving across my wet, naked skin. Bow chicka wow wow indeed. I’m getting all hot and sweaty thinking about it.

  Yep, that’s definitely my cue to leave.

  “I’ll see you guys later,” I say, as I stand up. I let my eyes take one last fill of their half-naked bodies to save in my memory for when I’m alone later, then make myself walk away. And then I really hate myself for having such self-restraint.

  Chapter Twelve


  As I run on the treadmill in our gym, my thoughts inevitably wander to Allie. Ever since she moved in, she’s been taking over my mind on a regular basis. Seeing her all sad and vulnerable at the bar the other week only made it worse because I related to what she was going through. It was torture being in London, knowing she was back here moping over her ex, and I rushed back to LA as quickly as I could.

  It’s silly because I barely know her and I can’t have her anyway, but I haven’t felt like this about anyone in a long time. Not since Lana. The fact that Allie, with her sweet voice and bright smile and tempting curves, can make me forget the only woman I ever loved? That’s a goddamn miracle. I want to explore it. To see if my feelings for her are real, or if she’s just a delicious little temporary distraction.

  Too bad the other guys will kill me if I do anything with her. Oh, Shane tries to act like he isn’t interested, but he’s not fooling anyone. And while Matt is a flirt who sleeps with a new woman every other night, I sense something different in my brother when he’s around Allie. He likes her too, as more than a one night stand. I haven’t seen him bring home any women since she moved in either.

  The three of us have been good friends for years and roommates for a few months. I worry that bringing Allie in might disrupt everything between us and ruin our friendship. If we all want her, it could tear us apart...because we can’t all have her.

  Or can we?

  I’m distracted from my thoughts when she walks into the gym, wearing a thin yellow dress that hugs her voluptuous body, with her wet hair hanging about her bare shoulders. I haven’t seen her since she vanished yesterday while we were in the pool, her cheeks flushed with heat like she was thinking all sorts of naughty thoughts. Probably the same ones I was thinking. I’d put money on it that the other guys shared the same fantasies as well.

  “Hey, Luke,” she says, her voice cheerful as usual. She’s like a ray of sunshine in my otherwise dark life.

  I hit pause on the treadmill and slow my steps. “Hey.”

  I’m not wearing a shirt—clothes are overrated, in my opinion—and she tries really hard not to stare at my chest, but is having a difficult time keeping her eyes away. It’s adorable. She has such an open, honest face and those dimples only make it cuter. It’s obvious she’s attracted to me and the other guys, but wants to fight it. Just like it’s obvious when she’s thinking about her ex and is in pain. Like now.

  “Um. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you have a hair dryer? I’d ask the other guys, but they’re out and I don’t want to riffle through their bathrooms without their permission.”

  “I’m sure we’ve got one somewhere.” I step off the treadmill and grab a towel to wipe the sweat off my body. Her hungry eyes follow my every movement so I take my time, making sure she gets a nice long look. “What happened to yours?”

  “I, uh...” She finally glances away, biting her lip. “I left it at my ex’s place.”

  “We could get you a new one.” I sense she isn’t telling me something from the way she’s avoiding my eyes. “What’s wrong, Allie?”

  She blows out a long breath. “I left a lot of stuff at my ex’s place, not just the blow dryer. I was so upset when he told me I had to leave that I grabbed whatever I could and threw it in my car and ran. But now I’m so annoyed at myself because I need some of those things and I don’t have the money to replace it all yet. But I will. It’s not a problem. I’ll be fine, I swear.”

  Conflicting emotions war within me. Desire for her. Anger at her ex. And now, protectiveness and a need to take care of her. “I can buy you anything you want. I’m sure the other guys would be happy to help also.”

  She stares down at the floor. “I don’t want your charity. I already owe you all so much.”

  “You don’t owe us anything.” I slide my fingers under her chin, drawing her gaze back to me. “But you’re right. It’s better if you get back your old stuff anyway.”

  Her eyes widen. “What? No!”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t go back to the apartment. What if his new girlfriend is there? Oh god.” She shakes her head vigorously. “No way. I can’t face him again.”

  “This is exactly what you need to do to get closure. Once you face him, you’ll finally be able to move on.”

  She scrunches
up her face. “Do you really think so?”

  “I know so. Trust me on this. I’ve gone through it myself.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  “You don’t have to do it alone either. I’ll go with you.”

  Her eyes light up. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

  I stroke her cheek with my fingers, thinking I’d do anything she asked of me right now. Any damn thing. “I would.”

  “Thank you.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a tight hug. The feel of her soft body against my naked chest is enough to make my dick rise to attention, especially as I breathe in her hair, which smells like coconut. I hold her close, not wanting to ever let her go.

  I’m about to press my lips to her neck and say fuck it to the roommate contract, when Shane’s voice stops me cold.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asks from the doorway.

  Allie pulls out of my arms and turns toward him. “Luke’s going to help me get my things back from my ex.”

  Shane’s scowl intensifies and he glares at me like he’s mad I got to hold her first. I grin back at him like the cocky bastard I am.

  “I’m going with you,” Shane says.

  “Where are we going?” Matt asks, joining us in the gym.

  “We’re taking a trip to visit Allie’s ex to get her stuff back,” I say.

  Matt cracks his knuckles with a devious grin. “Perfect. I was hoping for some excitement tonight.”

  “You really don’t all need to come,” Allie says, glancing between us. A slight smile touches her lips. “Although I’m not saying no either. Parker won’t know what hit him if I show up with all three of you.”

  “He will if he tries something,” I growl. “When my fist hits his face.”

  Matt rolls his eyes. “Rein it in, big guy.”

  “I’m with Luke,” Shane says. “That asshole deserves to be taught a lesson.”